These Cannabis capsules are the best way to get the full benefit of the plant with high levels of CBD, CBDA and THCA, and very little THC.
Our capsules contain WHOLE PLANT cannabis oil with finely ground cannabis flower to provide the maximum benefits of the plant in one pill.
Per Capsule: CBD = 23mg CBDA= 9 mg THCA = 23mg THC = <2mg * See Lab Test |
This means you can get the maximum healing power of the plant with little to no “high” feeling. Is that awesome? ABSOLUTELY!
Research has shown that CBD, CBDA and THCA are all wonderful cannabinoids contained within the cannabis plant that work extremely well within our bodies. In order to experience the benefits of these cannabinoids, however, the milligram dose should be adequate enough for effect while the THC dose should be low to avoid a feeling of being “high”. Akashic Care® Full Spectrum Capsules does just that!
We leverage the cannabinoid properties of the plant by eliminating heat from the extraction process and preserving the plant’s natural RAW form in order to allow a patient to take one capsule 1 to 5 times spread out over a day with the hope of little to no intoxicating effect. This allows for patients to get the maximum amount of raw cannabis cannabinoids into their body each day and ultimately aiding the body’s natural endocannabinoid system to fight the fight for better health and well being.
We formulate our Full Spectrum Capsules using lipid infusion to provide the perfect environment for the NATURALLY OCCURRING cannabinoids, terpenes and the 510 phytocompounds that are abundant in our solvent-free extract. Lipid infusion uses fatty acids LIKE OLIVE OIL to absorb and encapsulate these compounds, AND DELIVER THEM DIRECTLY TO THE CELLS THROUGH LIPIDS. KNOWN AS LIPID TRANSPORT.
Gluten-free & Gelatin Coated
These Gelatin Coated capsules are digested in the stomach.
Want to read more on THCA? Check out the Scientific Papers below:
National Library of Medicine: National Center for Biotechnology Information:
Cannabinoids act as necrosis-inducing factors in Cannabis sativa:
Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid is a potent PPARγ agonist with neuroprotective activity:
Cannabis Therapeutics and the Future of Neurology:
Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects: